Friday, January 14, 2011

Walking Along the Sea in Okinawa- Photo Exhibition @Osaka, January 27-30

Photo by Makishi Osamu
The Save the Dugong Campaign will be holding its first annual photo exhibition in Osaka to spread awareness about the intangible beauty of Henoko Bay that is threatened with destruction. The Japanese and U.S. governments intend to inundate the bay with concrete as a part of its relocation plans for the U.S. military base currently occupying Futenma, Okinawa.

A Walk along the Sea in Okinawa- Henoko and Oura Bay
Photo exhibition of the work of Makishi Osamu
January 27-30- 12pm-7pm

*Talk session on the potential extinction of the dugong on the 30th from 2pm-4pm (Free entry with drink order)

 Cafe/Gallary Cassiopeia
(Map here:

Located along the tracks between Hankyu Kandaimae or Senri Stations (Five minute walk from either direction)

Information in Japanese:

Freelance photographer Makishi Osamu was born in Kose, Okinawa in 1950. After living on the mainland and working in the magazine industry as an editor and copy writer, he returned to Okinawa. He currently serves as a semi-retired scuba instructor and scuba guide in Henoko and Oura Bay.

Photo by Makishi Osamu
On a recent trip to Okinawa in December, Democratic Party of Japan leader and current Prime Minister Naoto Kan stated that the relocation of U.S. military bases to Henoko would be a "better" option, demonstrating that the Japanese government proceed with relocation plans despite Okinawan resistance.  Considered one of the last remaining habitats of the endangered dugong and other rare flora and fauna, construction of a base in the fragile and bio-diverse bay would resound in disastrous impacts on the ecosystem beyond compare (See analysis by Gavin McCormick at Japan Focus here).

U.S. and Japan governmental officials claim that U.S. bases offer hope for a struggling Okinawan economy. However, scholars, citizens, and economists alike contend that the tourism industry is by far the largest contributors to the Okinawan economy. U.S. military bases only threaten the vitality of this industry by destroying the environment and taking up potential land for the tourism industry. Valiantly, Okinawan people and their supporters have not wavered in their movement to prevent the construction of the base by holding daily sit-in demonstrations at the relocation site and other events and rallies throughout Japan, and world-wide.

The  Save the Dugong Campaign is one many organizations that has been contributing to the opposition movement for the sake of wildlife in the bay and the Henoko Bay-area residents who will be adversely affected by noise, air, and water pollution and the atmosphere of violence and anxiety that goes hand in hand with the presence of U.S. military base.

For more information about the Osaka and Tokyo-based Save the Dugong Campaign Center, visit their homepage.

Below is an informative video report (in English) on SDCC resolutions proposed to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature World Congress 2008 in Barcelona.

IUCN Congress report from the Save the Dugong Campaign Center from Mio Yamane on Vimeo.


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